Lost River” is a dark fairy tale about love, family and the fight for survival in the face of danger. In the virtually abandoned city of Lost River, Billy (Christina Hendricks), a single mother of two, is led into a macabre underworld in her quest to save her childhood home and hold her family together. Her teenage son Bones (Iain De Casestecker) discovers a mystery about the origins of Lost River that triggers his curiosity and sets into motion an unexpected journey that will test his limits and the limits of those he loves.


[DIRECTOR]:……………………[ Ryan Gosling
[FORMAT]:…………………………[ MKV
[GENRE]:……………………………[ Drama | Fantasy | Mystery | Thriller
[NO OF CDs]:…………………[ 1
[FILE SIZE]:…………………[ 1.2GB
[RESOLUTION]:………………[ 1920×800
[LANGUAGE]:……………………[ English
[RUNTIME]:………………………[ 1h 35mn
[ENCODER]:………………………[ WhatEver
[SOURCE]:…………………………[ LIMITED 1080p BluRay x264-GECKOS (7.64 GB)